Our Investment Committee has approved one new loan proposal in December 2014. After meeting the pre-disbursement conditions this Banana Wine producer (based in Arusha) will receive a loan of TZS 220 million (EUR 110,000) in January 2015.
Furthermore two new proposals are being prepared, one for an existing client with a very good repayment history and new fruit juice processor. Both SMEs are based in Dar es Salaam. If all progresses smoothly we expect to disburse these two loans in February 2015.
Due to continuous efforts of the investment team, a very promising pipeline has been created for the coming months. Already 3 SMEs have been handed over to the BDS (Business Development Services) team to assist them to build their business plans and other preparation requirements of the fund during the month of February 2015. Another 4 SMEs are expected to get BDS support in February and March 2015.
In addition two retained clients are anticipated to apply for a new loan the coming months, which makes us confident that we will meet our projections of 10 loan disbursements in total over the period January-April 2015.